Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Stuff!

I just thought I would add a couple of new purchases to this blog for those of you who are interested. Note that neither of these purchases will affect you unless you have access to a Nintendo DS:

1) Nintendo DS Browser! Yes, I jumped in with all my Nintendo and Opera fanboyness and bought the Opera cartridge for the DS. It's pretty cool, and I've already used it to post a couple of things on a forum. I'll bring it on Sunday and see if I can find a wireless connection to 'borrow' so I can show it off.

2) I just won an auction on eBay for Star Wars II: The Original Series for the DS. Soon to ship, then I'll bring it along and show it off. We can play up to four player over DLaP, so Josh, I'll let you know when you should bring Katie's DS.

One last thought regarding potential future purchases:
Mario Party 8 (I think) for the Wii is due out soon. I have heard nothing but good reviews, and I think this might well fall into the category of something we should think about getting.

Also, those of you who haven't put any money into the Wii yet and are feeling bad about it, we could still use a couple of Nunchucks.


Herch said...

Mario Party 8 sounds like a good buy. I keep thinking about Mario Party 7(?) for GameCube would be a good purchase, but I can never find it for a good price anywhere.

Kenfield said...

I game for the Party!