Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pizza Calendar

Okay guys, the pizza calendar has been created, and you have all been invited to create a Google Calendar account and join the calendar. This Sunday, Mom has volunteered to buy pizza. The last person to buy pizza (before tonight) was (I think) me. (I thought about it Gabe, and I'm pretty sure that I took home the leftovers from the time it was just you and me.) So that means it's Gabe or Matt's turn to sign up for the first weekend in August, and then the other one can sign up, and then Josh and I will sign up again.

When I know what weekend I'm doing food, I'll probably try to get a head count so I can know how much food to bring, but I'll worry about that later.

I'm not going to put a link in the sidebar because there is no direct link to this specific calendar, it's just, and then when you log in it should show you the appropriate info.

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